Start Hand Sewing Without Knotting The Thread

Hand Sewing 

Should you be still tying a knot in your thread to get started on your hand stitching, present tip will change the way you sew permanently. I used to knot my thread, and it helped me crazy that half time that knot would just draw right through, and even if it didn't, it left a lump in my garment where the knot was. Ugh. This kind of method solves the concern of loose weave textile and doesn't give you the "this was made with a third grader".

Incredibly poor choice of thread color so you can see what I'm doing.
Start by picking up 3-4 strings of your fabric with your needle. You want a tiny piece of textile, but 1-2 threads, with regards to the fabric, may be too fragile. Pull your as an example and thread through the material, leaving a thread end of around 2 inches wide.

Pull your needle around and put it again through the same spot, making sure not to move your original thread end through.

Start to take your thread through. Just before it is completely taken through, a loop will form. Thread your as an example through this loop and then finish tightening your thread. This technique works to some degree similarly to the Chinese language finger traps you can find in dollar stores. The more the bond is pulled on, the more it tightens around itself.

Once you have finished tightening this, you can trim off the excess tail. You can also use this solution to tie your thread off when you've finished stitching. No more knots, no more bumps and much less frustration.


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